Population: 770,000
Distance from Katowice: 80 km
- The best way from Katowice-Krakow is by bus/car. If you chose the bus, arriving in the bus station Katowice/Krakow there are buses leaving every 15min, costing around ~15pln.
How to get there:
- By air: Krakow has a big airport with flights from major European cities.
- By train: Big train station so trains from different locations are also arriving.
- By Bus/ car: Highways in Poland are good, so either driving or by bus there are fair lot of connections.
What’s so special about the city: Very nice main square and castle with lot of historical contexts. The restaurants and nightlife are also a big plus.
How long should you spend in Krakow: A weekend is fine, 2 full days.