Population: 640 649
Distance from Katowice: 191km
- The best way from Katowice-Wrocław is by train/car. However, if you chose the car, the road is simply – just straight, taking high-way A4, the direction of Germany.
How to get there:
- By air: Wrocław has 1 airport with flights from major European cities.
- By train: Big train station so trains from different locations including European cities (Berlin, Vienna, Prague) are also arriving, but we do not recommend (too long)
- By car: Highways in Poland are good, so either driving or by bus, there are a fair lot of connections.
What’s so special about the city: The city of dwarfs and the bridges. Wrocław is one of the great unsung European cities – it’s over a thousand years old, and has been part of many different empires, but it doesn’t have the feel of an open-air museum. It’s a vibrant town where loads are happening all the time.